Llangoed Village Hall Terms and Conditions of Hire

  • The HALL may only be hired by persons over the age of 21. 

  • The HIRER or an alternative person, agreed in advance with the Committee, must be on the premises throughout the period of hire.

  • The HIRER understands that the hall is a non-profit organization run by volunteers for the benefit of the local community. They will ensure careful and considerate use of the facilities.

  • The HIRER shall be responsible, during the period of hire, for the supervision and care of the premises, its contents and fabric and shall make good any damage sustained. This includes, but is not limited to,

    • ensuring there is no fixing to the flooring, walls, woodwork or furniture by pinning, stapling, or use of adhesive material that may leave a residual mark or damage.

  • The HIRER shall be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of guests or others using the premises during the period of hire.  This includes, but is not limited to,

    • ensuring they have read the fire procedures for the hall and are aware of fire exits

    • ensuring a risk assessment has been undertaken for any activities arranged and ensuring suitable public liability insurance is in place if appropriate

    • ensuring any equipment e.g. PA system, brought into the hall is in a safe condition

  • The HIRER is responsible for the behaviour of persons using the hall during the period of hire and will ensure noise levels do not disturb neighbours of the hall or other villagers.  Outdoor activity should cease by 10pm and events finish promptly at the time stated on the booking form or by the latest 12pm Friday and Saturday, 11pm other days.

  • The HIRER acknowledges that there is a NO SMOKING and NO VAPING policy throughout the building and will ensure this is enforced during the period of hire.

  • The HIRER will pay the booking charges applicable at the time as agreed by the committee in advance of the event.

  • A deposit of up to £200, payable in advance, may be required depending on the nature of the event.

  • At the end of the hire period the HIRER will ensure the hall is left as found and in a tidy and clean condition. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Ensuring chairs and tables are put away

    • Ensuring all indoor bins are emptied and all rubbish placed in the appropriate outdoor bin or removed from the premises.

    • Ensuring all heating, lights, and appliances are turned off

    • Ensuring all doors and windows are closed and locked securely

  • The HIRER will vacate the hall and remove their possessions at the end of the hire period.

  • The HIRER shall indemnify the Committee against any loss, costs, damages or expenses incurred by the Committee as a result of the use of the premises by the HIRER.

  • Right of Entry is reserved at all times to a Police Officer, a member of the Committee, or an Officer of the Community Council and any such person may terminate the hire and close the Hall at any time and at their absolute discretion.

  • In the event of the Hall being unavailable or any part thereof being unfit for the use for which it has been hired the Committee shall not be liable to THE HIRER for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.

  • THE HIRER must report any accidents or near misses on the Accident Form and must notify a member of the Committee. First Aid kit and Accident  Book are in the passage to the kitchen.

  • The HIRER shall comply with all conditions and regulations relevant to the premises including, but not limited to, regulations covering the sale of alcohol, public dancing, playing of music, performance of plays or showing of films. The HIRER will be responsible for ensuring all necessary approvals, permissions or licenses are obtained for such activities.