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Harvest Festival (day 2)

  • Vegetable Growing workshop, 11:00 FREE
    Sam, the founder and grower of the new market garden Llysiau Menai in Menai Bridge will chat about growing vegetables locally and will be on hand to answer your questions. He will also have a stall with lots of his tasty locally grown veg!

  • Flags Flying in Llangoed community flag pole launch, 12:00 FREE
    Llangoed Village Hall will once again have a flagpole! With support from the Balchder Bro Môn project, we have designed flags to represent our community, celebrate special events and create a visual buzz around our local 114-year-old village hall gathering place. The flags were designed by students at Ysgol Gynradd Llangoed, community groups and creative individuals near and far. Come see our flags flying! More Info

  • Community Apple Pressing 10:00 - 16:00 FREE

    Bring your apples to be pressed and plenty of clean containers to bring home the juice. Together, we will help you press your own apples in the big yellow apple scratter and hydro-press.

  • Scarecrow Trail 10:00 - 16:00 FREE

    Join in! Any family friendly theme!
    The trail goes from Pont y Brenin, through the village, to Llangoed Village Hall. If your house is along the route, you may display your scarecrow in your front garden. All other scarecrows can be displayed at Llangoed Village Hall.  

    Categories: 1. Adults & families 2. Children under 10

    All scarecrows should be in place by 17th October for judging on the 18th of October.
    Public viewing during the Llangoed Harvest Festival!  

    To enter: send your name, contact telephone, category and location to: Wendy Davies -
    by the 30th of September

  • Stalls 10:00 - 16:00 FREE

    Locally made preserves, produce, art and crafts

This project is partially funded through one of Menter Môn's programmes, namely Balchder Bro Anglesey, which has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Common Prosperity Fund, with financial support also from the Nuclear Recovery Services (NRS) on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Saturday and Sunday,
19 & 20 October
10am - 4pm

Harvest time at Llangoed Village Hall!

  • community apple pressing, bring your apples!

  • Flag Pole Launch

schedule below

20 October

Scarecrow Trail

20 October

Flags Flying Launch